Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Clouds can carry such huge electric charges that may to cause lightning flashes of thousands of volts. It is really a fascinating phenomenon.
When a lightning flash takes place a broad spectrum of radio-frequencies is generated. In this broad spectrum there is special intense emissions of the VLF (Very Low Frequency) band. This project will allow you to build a receiver to pick up a band near 300 KHz. An LED will flash to indicate the lightning flashes.
The radio-signal generated by the lightning flash is picked up by the telescopic antenna with the help of a 10mH choke. The choke L1 resonates with the antenna and allows current to flow into the receiver circuit.
The L2 of 330uH in parallel with the 680pF capacitor C1 forms a tuned circuit for 300KHz. This parallel-tuned tank circuit is coupled to the base of Q1 via D2. The amplified radio signal is again coupled into the base of Q2. Transistors Q2 and Q3 form an LED flasher circuit. Transistor Q4 is the LED driver.
The flasher is biased so that when VR1 is carefully adjusted the LED flashes only when a radio burst appears at the input due to a lightning flash.
Positive feedback ensures the LED to be full on. The circuit quickly resets by charging C4 capacitor through diode D1.
The circuit draws only about 100uA in idle state. Therefore it can run on two cells for many hours.

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